There it is friends.
This reception. Oh this reception. I tried to stop taking photographs.
I couldn’t.
The sheriff shows up on the dance floor. My mother-in-law busts moves like she’s been doing it her whole life. My father-in-law ends up crowd surfing. I end up crowd surfing. Men lose clothing. Thriller.
I should stop typing and just let you look.
Once again, my right hand man was T-Riewer from FlashBangBoom Photography. We killed it.
This one is special. Beyond special. Bailey is Whitney’s sister, thus my sister. On a deeply personal level, I really can’t even begin to explain how much these images mean. Not only did I get to capture this day from behind the lens and get the privilege of officiating the ceremony, but it was a day that was celebrated so well by our (technically their) Dad. I have never seen a man so full of joy–moments etched so deeply in our memories. A bit of heaven amidst earth.
Truly a day that will never, ever be forgotten.
Second shot by my dear friend and homeboy, Tyler Riewer of FlashBangBoom Photography. He is magical behind the lens.
Part 2 and 3 coming in the next few days. Feel free to drop by.