This reception. Oh this reception. I tried to stop taking photographs.
I couldn’t.
The sheriff shows up on the dance floor. My mother-in-law busts moves like she’s been doing it her whole life. My father-in-law ends up crowd surfing. I end up crowd surfing. Men lose clothing. Thriller.
I should stop typing and just let you look.
Once again, my right hand man was T-Riewer from FlashBangBoom Photography. We killed it.
sara montour - PERFECTION.
Ashley H. - My face hurts from smiling through these pics. What a FUN reception!! Also, amazingly hilarious and happy pictures to remember Spence by.
Tyler - Seriously, we did kill it. And I agree with Ashley… I can’t stop smiling. Such an incredible celebration. I’m just thankful to have been a part of it.
Ashley D. - Absolutely amazing. These photos are crazy good. It makes me smile all the way through!
James Moes - Brilliant work all around.
Cass Mooney - These could quite possibly be some of the best reception shots I have seen in a while..LOVE
Darcey Rojas - AMAZING! I love it. I think the two little girls running past the barn door is my ultimate favorite!