O.K….. so not ever. At least in the last few months. And at least for us. You might have much greater and more exciting news… like, maybe, getting engaged (which is absolutely thrilling!).
But seeing that we are already married, this news is incredibly exciting for us.
We just leased a brand spankin’ new home for Brighten Photography.
I know. You probably just peed your pants. Admit it-even if it was just a little bit. So needless to say, we are in the middle of a mega build out of our new basement studio. We have joined a whole crew of amazing other creative individuals and businesses at an incredible place called the Greenwood Collective. Its a spot in Greenwood that rents out both shared office space and individual studios to those in the creative industries. Check out their website for images of the upstairs space (which we can reserve for private parties- wink, wink.) They are a ridiculous crew to say the least.
So this week we find ourselves demoing out our new 500 square foot pad, and bringing her up to tip-top shape. It is Ben’s new full time home away from home and space for us to meet with all of our amazing clients.
Chiggity check it….
So before you start rambling about it being a dump… it absolutely is. (not to mention the photo is crap from our lil’ point n’ shoot) It’s like our own little mangled baby kitten we found on the side of the road that we will quickly be nursing back to health.
Have some vision, folks. It’s going to be ridiculous. (and I’m even trying to convince Whitney to let me throw in a shuffleboard table… we’ll have to see how that goes…)
We are working our brains out this week to get it ready by this Friday for the upcoming Greenwood Art Walk. We’ll keep you posted on the progress as the week goes on.
Seriously. Exciting.
Stay tuned. The before and after of this baby will make Rachel Ray more jealous than Hillary Clinton in 1998. It will be that good.
None of this exciting endeavor would be possible without the love and support of you. That’s right. You. (client. family. friend. you.) So thanks to the many who have loved and supported us well over the last 12 months as we’ve launched this business and watched it explode. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Cheers friends. And get ready to come party with us at our new pad very, very soon.
PS- The first person to name the brand of bucket in this photo wins a sweet prize. (those friends who’ve already paid a visit can keep it on the DL!) Seriously. Not that difficult.
Scott - Rubbermaid?
Autumn - I am so excited for you two! I do not have a guess for the bucket though.
Rob Ferrari - Quickie? I have a bucket that is called a “Quickie”. No Joke!
Cio - it’s totally a “Quickie”, i can tell by the handle.
Rob Ferrari - How about a sneak peak of the Ferrari photo shoot? We are so excited to see how the shots turned out! Thanks again, you two! It was so much fun on Sunday.
meredith - congrats, guys! I can’t wait to see it!! Happy cleaning!!!
Taryn - Congratulations you guys!! I’m sure it will be awesome. If anybody can spruce that place up, it’s Whitney Lynn. Have fun!
Laura Moss - I love it, guys. The place is swimming in potential and sounds like the location is prime. Wooo!!! Can’t wait to see the finished product! Love and miss.
Laura Moss - Bucket=Home Pro? How many guesses do we get? If we only get one and my answer was wrong, I take it back.
Ben - 2 guesses. But don’t say I never I’d anything for you. And no it’s not a rubbermaid or home whatever or a quickie (although Whitney might wish it was… Ziiiiiing. And now I’m in trouble and this comment will probably be deleted later.) anyway… Keep quessing peeps. $20 iTunes gift card on the line.
Rob Ferrari - 2nd guess: Mr Clean?
ben (i run this here blog) harms - Ding, ding, ding! Mr. Ferrari you are the big winner. Gift card delivery coming asap (as well as your images!).
Anyone else get a kick out of my lack of iPhone typing skills on my last comment. Holy crap-just proof read it Ben.
Thanks for all the bucket fun and love about our new space! It’s moving along quite well…