the brighten blog » the photo blog of brighten photography

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Since the first real launch of Brighten Photography just this past winter (atleast the launch that was above the table), we have been incredibly humbled by the many amazing people that have trusted us to be a part of this season of their lives. This journey for Whitney and I has been filled with incredible risk and wonder, and we’ve often questioned if it would ever amount to anything at all. But with much anticipation we lunged forward into the unknown world of creating a business out of a passion to capture the beauty that is found in love and relationships.

And tonight, just past 11 o’clock, I find myself holding both the incredible joy and excitement that this summer has brought, and the crazy reality that is required of such a venture.

And I am loving it.

I could not ask for a more rewarding opportunity than to help people see and remember the beauty that is creation–the joy and wholeness that is found in the utter abandonment that relationships require.

We are so thankful for the love and life that we have been able to share with each and every one of our clients. With all cheeziness aside (o.k., so it may be a bit cheezy)… we are truly grateful. Even if every night at 11 o’clock, our world looks like this:

So this all may be a bit more transparent than most normal photographers would project to the world. But as it turns out…we’ve never really gotten along very well with normalcy.

Here’s to the crazy person whose idea it was to blog for thirty days straight in the middle of wedding season. What a nut case.:)


On a side note… we are really thankful for the feedback that we have gotten about our, ummmm…. HORRIBLE proofing system. We’ve been working really hard at coming up with a better solution and finally feel as though we have found the best system out there. So we are working like crazy to get all of our current clients proofing galleries switched over to our new system (which if you are one of our clients that are currently viewing your images through our site, you will get an updated email from us soon.)

So thanks to the many who have given us the MUCH needed (and incredibly kind) feedback. We really believe you (and your fam and friends) will have a much more enjoyable process of viewing and ordering custom prints.

So thanks for your patience as we switch things over, as we know that we are running a bit behind at the moment!

Sleep tight.

  • August 14, 2008 - 11:58 pm

    merlin - i lust for your mac pro and dual monitors.

  • August 16, 2008 - 1:54 pm

    jared - new proofing = amazing! (you will love it)

That’s right everybody…. we’re a bunch of social networking dorks. And we officially have a page on Facebook. We figured what better way to let the internet world know of our photo goodness than to jump on the wagon of networking love. So if you are already on Facebook, hit us up here, become a fan and then tell all your friends (especially the ones that are about to tie the knot)!

And just an FYI…. if you are a client and wondering if it’s cool to steal pics from this blog to use on your Facebook or Myspace page… well by all means go for it! We’d just love it if you would throw up a little credit love and point people back to either our Facebook page or website in the caption. So go on and pimp out that profile of yours!

Happy hump day! Cheers!

  • August 14, 2008 - 9:33 pm

    merlin - im a fan!

A few weeks ago we found ourselves on our rooftop with some friends, having one of those random conversations where we listed our favorites of any category that we could come up with. Music was one of the obvious conversation starters. We all had our turn, listing the inspirational songs and artists that caused us to raise our fists in the air ready to take on the world of adolescence, or moved us to tears while going through disastrous relational endings. The more we talked, the more it seemed our minds began to remember, taking us back to the moments that have shaped us into who we are today.

Realizing that Whitney hadn’t thrown in her thoughts in the musical category yet, I threw her a quick gaze and beckoned her to share with the rest of us.

“Ummm…… Destiny’s Child?” She said with a small lack of confidence.


*eruption of laughter*

As the laughter slowly came to an end, we all became much more inquisitive as to a.) the lack of confidence and b.) seriously? Destiny’s Child?

She went on to explain how she enjoyed those summer nights driving with the windows open, bellowing out her own voice alongside Beyonce. It was this R&B and teen pop that caused her soul to come alive.

And I love that.

As a couple we are awful at being any sense of music snobs. We love the music that makes us smile and want to sing at the top of our lungs with our fists in the air. I struggle to maintain any sense of connection with those conversations that analyze an artist’s movement from one genre to another, while dropping as many large musical terms as possible to make one’s self sound far more educated than they really are. I just want to know one thing: Does it make me(you) come alive?

And for Whitney, Destiny’s Child does just that. (although I still chuckle a little bit when I think about my wife blaring it out to the world while at a stop light.) That is why she makes my heart beat the way that it does.

Of course, the world needs people that are incredibly passionate about musical terms and over analyzing rhythmic and tonal qualities. I love those people too. They are the ones that point me to the music that moves my soul.

With all that nonsense said…. the following is a band that truly has moved my soul over and over. Based out of Seattle, The Classic Crime falls somewhere in the category of rock/indie/alternative. Their lead singer, Matt McDonald, drops both lyric and melody that brings my heart to places I didn’t know I even had. And although their new album, The Silver Cord, didn’t come out today, it did just one month ago.

It is worth every listen (that is of course, if good ol’ rock n’ roll is up your alley).

This whole post has made me wonder… what music moves you to get up and dance or cry those tears of yours?

sorry this was a long post… brevity is usually our plan.

  • August 12, 2008 - 10:34 pm

    marjan - ok. i should be in bed, but your blog intrigues me. and because it’s about music it’s totally worth commenting on. you mentioned ‘raise our fists in the air’, thus i beckon you to check out the generators, specifically the song ‘thirty seconds’. if that doesn’t get your fists in the air, i dunno what to say. directions: best played loud in the car with the windows rolled down and a roadie….and of course sing or shout along at will.

  • August 12, 2008 - 10:50 pm

    ben (i run this here blog) harms - just downloaded it. and i LOVE it. my roots are all punk. great recommendation. i know what i’ll be listening to tomorrow.

  • August 13, 2008 - 7:52 am

    Laura Moss - Oh, Whitney, please tell me you haven’t forgotten “Earl Had to Die.” Man…Good times. :) I miss you.

  • August 14, 2008 - 9:36 am

    WHarms - oh laura, don’t you worry, of course i remember good ol’ “earl had to die”. but they were laughing so hard at my first answer i didn’t even get to share about the dixie chicks…

Just in case you didn’t know. We both grew up there. Well…Whitney actually grew up all over the place. Florida. Texas. Virginia. Hawaii. But mostly in Nebraska.

So we thought we would give a little shoutout to our homefront. We’re not gonna lie… there are things (although the list isn’t incredibly long) that we love about Nebraska. And then there is this…

Although this video reinforces every stereotype about Nebraska… we had to share it. It’s just too good to keep tucked away. I laughed for minutes when I first saw this. I hope it brightens your day as it did mine.

found via Tyler

  • August 11, 2008 - 11:46 pm

    merlin - that song makes me want to vomit all over nebraska.

  • August 12, 2008 - 1:55 am

    Kj - that woman “Ginger” has the scariest hand gestures and fingernails I have ever seen

  • August 12, 2008 - 9:08 am

    Laura Moss - Sick. That was pretty hilarious. But, for the record, those of you not from Nebraska–this was NOT my life experience growing up in Lincoln. Go Huskers.

  • August 13, 2008 - 9:13 am

    Brian - Wow……………….. Yup that pretty much sums it up.

  • August 15, 2008 - 9:45 pm

    merlin - that lady who’s singing says there’s, “a million reasons why” she loves Nebraska…but yet, she only gives like ten reasons throughout the whole song. she really likes to see an eagle spread it’s wings though. …REALLY likes!

  • August 17, 2008 - 12:53 pm

    Derrick Fudge - I love that sentimental simple life stuff. Sign me up