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So here is how this conversation goes down…

You: Hey Ben, you suck at blogging.
Me: ARRRRRRRRRGGGGHH. (yes. that was in a creepy pirate voice.)
You: Seriously. Blog a few of my images already.
Me: But you see…. we had a turtle problem. Our turtle got stuck in the toilet and I’ve been trying to get him out for days.
You: You have a turtle?
Me: Well…..
You: You’re lame. And not very funny.
Me: Ahhhhh snap. I’ll try to get my crap together.

And then I posted this image of Karl+Emily. Because it is awesome. And there is much, much more to come. I’ve been out of town this week and just got back in today. Next week is a similar story.

Here’s to a beautiful rainy day in Seattle and taking beautiful photos of beautiful people.

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Well…. not really. But I wish she did. I’ve always dreamed about both of us riding bareback into the sunset in Montana.

OK. That wasn’t true either.

Moving along… this week has been insane. Shipping four weddings out the door today. Yes. Four. I meant insane when I said it.

We rocked the HOTEL PHOTEL this last weekend in a horse barn. Epic. Mr. Ed just couldn’t help but jump in on the party. Thought we’d leave you with a dose of awesome for your weekend.

Much love friends.

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