Numero Uno: Matt+Whitney are amazing. Open. Honest. Genuine. Amazing. (yes. I said amazing twice.)
Numero Dos: I suck at blogging. That, my friends, is about to change.
Good night friends. I have a feeling we will be seeing one another very, very soon….
katie. - I can hardly stand it. Amazing is the perfect word. Can’t wait to see more.
Whitney - A.Mazing. You guys rock!
Gavin Wade - The world is a better place when Ben and Whitney blog! Just sayin…
Kimberly - Ben, don’t lie
You are a rad blogger. Love your content, love your voice. Happy to hear there might be even more of it!
Cio - I second what Gavin Wade said.
It has been quite some time…i was beginning to think you didn’t use this site anymore lol
Glad you’re back!
Blaine - I LOVE these. Can’t wait to see you guys in July!
Ariandari - I stumbled upon this westbie this afternoon it is awesome. The recipes are so diferent and unique, I can’t wait to try them and I have just started looking!! Really enjoying looking..thanks , have a nice summer
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