Whadda ya know? A blog post.
These two crazy kids got hitched. And the world is better because of it. For reals.
So here is how this conversation goes down…
You: Hey Ben, you suck at blogging.
Me: ARRRRRRRRRGGGGHH. (yes. that was in a creepy pirate voice.)
You: Seriously. Blog a few of my images already.
Me: But you see…. we had a turtle problem. Our turtle got stuck in the toilet and I’ve been trying to get him out for days.
You: You have a turtle?
Me: Well…..
You: You’re lame. And not very funny.
Me: Ahhhhh snap. I’ll try to get my crap together.
And then I posted this image of Karl+Emily. Because it is awesome. And there is much, much more to come. I’ve been out of town this week and just got back in today. Next week is a similar story.
Here’s to a beautiful rainy day in Seattle and taking beautiful photos of beautiful people.